Here’s what’s happening on our planet.

Greenie is committed to keeping you informed.

The Greenie News Page on both the Greenie app and the Greenie website will continually update with links to all the latest articles, videos and observations from scientist and environmental writers around the world. We’ll keep you informed on what’s threatening our very existence, what we’re learning every day, and who’s working — or not working — to make a difference.

We’ll also keep you informed on how each of us can work together — in small ways and in big ways — to save our planet.

  • How a ‘cow fart’ vaccine could help tackle climate change
    CNN reports that the cow’s amazing ability to sustain itself by eating nothing but grass is one of the marvels of nature, but it comes at a cost.

  • UN gives countries more time to submit “quality” climate plans for 2035
    Climate Home News reports that China, the EU and India are among big polluters set to miss this month’s deadline for new targets as concerns grow of a “softening” in climate ambition

  • Scientists brace ‘for the worst’ as Trump purges climate mentions from websites
    The Guardian reports that Trump administration pulling references online ‘won’t make crisis’ stop affecting Americans’ lives, say experts

  • Climate risk will take trillion-dollar bite out of America's real estate, report finds
    Where are the winners and losers of the coming great climate migration? USA Today provides some answers from a new report.

  • Watchdog Groups Anticipate ‘an All-Out War on Science and Scientists’ by the Trump Administration
    Inside Climate news reports that some federal websites, including the White House’s, have already deleted climate information, including reports on resilience and adaptation vital to U.S. communities.

  • What to know about Trump’s first executive actions on climate and environment
    The AP reports that experts say Trump’s moves to step away from global climate action, ramp up domestic oil and gas production and remove incentives for electric vehicles are worrisome as the planet continues to heat up

  • Study says climate change made conditions that fed California wildfires more likely, more intense
    The AP reports that human-caused climate change increased the likelihood and intensity of the hot, dry and windy conditions that fanned the flames of the recent devastating Southern California wildfires, a scientific study found.

  • Trump to sign actions to pull US out of Paris climate agreement, promote fossil fuels and mineral mining
    CNN reports that President Donald Trump will sign executive actions Monday that cement his intention to double down on fossil fuels and reverse America’s progress on climate change and clean energy, including his pledge to pull the United States out of the Paris climate agreement.

  • ‘It’s going to be rough’: what Trump’s response to LA fires portends for future climate disasters
    The Guardian report that big oil executive plans to celebrate Trump’s inauguration as California burns – though experts say climatic conditions are only getting more extreme

  • Yes, wildfires have always happened in California, but climate change is making them worse
    Yahoo News reports that University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann, who regularly spars with skeptics, said in an email that climate change “is the primary reason for the increasingly widespread, damaging and deadly North American wildfires.”